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The journal «ONCOSURGERY» 2013, Vol.5, No 1

Microsurgical forearm reconstruction in combined modality treatment of recurrent soft tissue sarcoma

Karpenko VYu, Teplyakov VV, Anurova OA, Bukharov AV, Kravtsov SA, Donskova YuS, Rubtsova NA, Akhmerova EB, Urlova AN

PA Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute, Moscow, Russia
Contact: Karpenko Vadim Yuryevich, e-mail:

Example of treating patient with recurrent soft tissue sarcoma is presented in case report.

Tendency of soft tissue sarcomas to early metastasis and persistent recurrence, relatively high resistance of majority of them to radiation and drug therapy determine the complexity of treatment of this disease. The current extensive surgery, in combination with modern specific treatment methods (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) allow to achieve good oncologic and functional outcomes in the majority of patients with recurrent soft tissue sarcomas.

Patient K., 48 years old was admitted to the Department of Oncological Orthopaedics, in PA Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute, at September 4th 2006, with recurrent (R4) soft tissue sarcoma of right forearm. Three courses of polychemotherapy were performed at the first stage of treatment. Removal of soft tissue tumor of right forearm with resection of bone structures and combined reconstruction was performed next. Morphological structure of tumor and its cellular immunophenotype matched with recurrent malignant fibrous histiocytoma G3. No complications were observed. Follow-up was 66 months. Cosmetic and functional results are good.

This observation is a clear example of an adequate approach to treatment of patients with recurrent soft tissue sarcomas.

KEY WORDS: Oncological Orthopaedics, combined treatment, reconstructive method, polychemotherapy, soft tissue sarcoma.


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P. 38-42

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