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The journal «ONCOSURGERY» 2013, Vol.5, No 2

Impact of external carotid artery ligation in treatment outcomes for oral and oropharyngeal cancer

Brezhnev VF, Kuzmitskiy MV, Chekanov VN

Moscow State Medical Stomatological University, Moscow, Russia
Contact: Brezhnev Vladimir Fedorovich, e-mail:

The ligation of external carotid artery prior to surgery in patients with oral cancer reduces blood loss by 90 ml on average. Bilateral ligation of external carotid artery in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer improves response on radiotherapy and chemoradiothrapy. Changes in neurological status, ENT and eyes are short-term and transient.

KEY WORDS: oral and oropharyngeal cancer, treatment, external carotid artery ligation.


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