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The journal «ONCOSURGERY» 2013, Vol.5, No 2

Research of scaffolds for bioengineered reconstruction of upper aerodigestive tract

Reshetov IV1, Andreeva JuJu1, Batukhtina ЕV2, Rebrikova IV1

1) PA Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute,
2) Post Graduate Institute of Federal Medico-Biological Agency,
Moscow, Russia
Contact: Rebrikova Irina Vyacheslavovna, e-mail:

The work was performed as part of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Protocol # 12-04-01557-a dated 26th of September 2012

The clinical need for reconstruction of upper aerodigestive tract requires solving several problems: reconstruction of epithelial lining, restoration of soft-tissue portion, reconstruction of rigid frame of respiratory tract.

The objective: to select adequate components for complex graft for reconstruction of aerodigestive tract, allowing to restore organ with full function and morphological structure.

Materials and methods. The study was performed in laboratory 30 animals – male rats weighting 380-450 g. For reconstruction of epithelial lining of aerodigestive tract we used autologous buccal mucosa of rat and biocompatible naterials: mineralized and demineralized membranes "Osteoplast", hydroxyapatite HAP-99g. Five graft variants of different biocompatible material and type and site of prefabrication were developed. Complex graft represented three layer structure: the superior layer consisted of autologous mucosa fragments fixated to superficial fascia of anterior abdominal wall, scaffold or omentum, intermediate layer was a biocompatible material fixated to underlying muscle or omentum. Results were assessed at 2, 4, 8 weeks after transplantation.

Results. 2 weeks later the membrane "Osteoplast" became soft and elastic, histologically there was trabecular remodeling; 4 weeks later there was a soft structure, for morphological analysis this was determined as remnant remodeling membrane; 8 weeks later – on the background of inflammation there was no membrane, morphologically – foci of inflammatory infiltration without signs of membrane. Granules of hydroxyapatite were not determined macroscopically or histologically at all stages. Viable epithelial layer of mucosa was obtained on fascia of anterior abdominal wall on 2nd and 4th weeks. For implantation mucosal fragments directly on scaffold there were no epithelium, on omentum – squamous cell cysts were determined over scaffold on 2nd week.

Conclusion. The most appropriate components of complex graft for reconstruction of aerodigestive tract were musculofascial grafts and mucosal fragments implanted on fascia of the graft. The results of experimental study may be the base for limited clinical investigation for reconstruction of oropharyngeal defects using prefabricated musculomucosal grafts.

KEY WORDS: complex graft, scaffold, membrane "Osteoplast", hydroxyapatite HAP-99g, mucosal fragments.


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