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The journal «ONCOSURGERY» 2013, Vol.5, No 1

Reconstruction of upper respiratory tract in oncological patients

Rebrikova IV1, Reshetov IV1, Vasiliev AV2, Batuhtina EV3, Kiseleva EV2

1) PA Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute,
2) NK Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology,
3) Postgraduate Institute of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, Oncology and Plastic Surgery Department,
Moscow, Russia
Contact: Rebrikova Irina Valerievna, e-mail:

Study purpose: according on the description and analysis of main ways of restoring the upper respiratory tract identify problems of reconstruction of larynx and trachea, identify the most promising direction.

Many ways of reconstruction of upper respiratory tract with remaining fragments of larynx and trachea cartilage, advanced neck and chest flaps, free flaps, autologous and allogeneic ribs, ear and nasal septum cartilage, implants of various polymer materials, nylon, silicone, teflon, polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, marleksa, metals and their alloys, and also cases of allogeneic trachea transplantation are described in the literature.

The existing methods have several disadvantages, they are not effective enough because they do not allow to restore all components of organ, including the epithelial lining, bone and cartilaginous skeleton, as well as functionally sufficient volume and shape of organ using a homogeneous (similar in morphological, anatomical and functional structure) material.

Promising new direction in the larynx and trachea reconstruction is applying tissue engineering methods. Research on the selection of the optimal scaffold made of natural, synthetic, composite materials to provide the necessary conditions for cell implantation, its growth and differentiation has been made.

Conclusion: basic problems of reconstruction of the upper respiratory tract are formulated on the base of literature review.

Further research and development in the field of tissue engineering in terms of reconstruction of all constituent elements of the upper respiratory tract on the morpho-functional basis,eli minating not only physical and mechanical defects, but also biological (metabolic) functions are promising and up to date.

The work was performed as part of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) #12-04-01557-а dated September 26th 2012.

KEY WORDS: upper respiratory tract, reconstruction, tissue engineering.


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