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The journal «ONCOSURGERY» 2013, Vol.5, No 2

Relative risk of synchronous and metachronous malignant tumors in patients with thyroid cancer

Afanasieva ZА, Bakunin SF

Kazan State Medical Academy of Russian Health Care,
Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of Public,
Health Service of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
Contact: Afanasieva Zinaida Aleksandrovna, e-mail:

The specifics of relative risk for development of primary multiple malignant tumors in patient with thyroid caner are represented in the article.

Material and methods: we analyzed retrospectively the data of 116 patients with neoplasms and thyroid disease, who underwent treatment in Republic clinical oncological dispensary of Public Health Service of Tatarstan in the period from 1973 to 2010. There were 17 men and 99 women. To estimate relative risk for polyneoplasms with thyroid disease the following formula was used: Relative Risk = (a / (a+b)) / (c / (c+d)), where a – the number of patients with thyroid cancer and second malignant tumor; b – the number of patients with thyroid cancer and no other malignant tumors; c – the number of patients in population, who had malignant tumor similar to that in group a; d – the number of patients in population without cancer.

For statistic analysis we used Microsoft Excel 8, BIOSTATISTICA 4.03, MedCalc Software 11.4. The significance of relative measures was assessed using 95% confidence interval (CI). The rates were defined as significant for its low limit of CI less than 1. The significance of differences between groups were determined by Student’s t-test. The difference was defined as significant for р <0,05.

Results: The patients with thyroid cancer had higher relative risk for metachronous lymphoma (41.8 in men; 31.7 in women), renal cancer (55.6 in men; 18.5 in women), cancer of prostate (35.7), lung and bronchi (18.8 in women), melanoma (17.1), colon (16.7 in women), cervical (15.8), uterine (11.8), breast (11.5 in women), skin cancer (9.5 in women), synchromous renal cancer (33.8 in men; 46.3 in women), prostate cancer (24.4), melanoma (20.6 in women), cancer of esophagus (19.4 in men; 17.8 in women), rectum (19.0 in men), lymphomas (12.8 in men), cervical (11.3), breast (11.0 in women) and skin cancer (8.5 in women). The relative risk for metachronous thyroid cancer was higher in patients with melanoma (108.0 in men; 50.4 in women), malignant lymphoid neoplasms (40.2 in men; 40.8 in women), endometrial (1.8), skin (8.7 in women), breast cancer (8.0 in women).

Conclusions. Women with thyroid cancer have high relative risk for synchronous and metachronous melanoma, renal, cervical breast and skin cancer, metachronous lymphoma, lung and bronchial, colon, uterine cancer and synchronous esophageal cancer. Men have high relative risk for synchronous and metachronous lymphoma, renal and prostate cancer, synchronous esophageal and rectal cancer. Both men and women with lymphoma and melanoma had high relative risk for thyroid cancer. For follow up of patients with thyroid cancer relative risk for second tumors should be considered for early diagnosis.

KEY WORDS: primary multiple malignant tumor, thyroid gland, cancer, relative risk.


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